Archives by author

Spin-orbit torques in ultrathin ferromagnetic metal layers, Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Schuhl, A., Pizzini, S., Vogel, J., Gambardella, P., 7760, 7760Z (2010)

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Correlation between perpendicular anisotropy and magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions, Nistor, L.E., Rodmacq, B., Ducruet, C., Portemont, C., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 46, 1412 (2010)

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Magneto-dielectric effect in trilayered Co, Rasoanoavy, F., Laur, V., de Blasi, S., Lezaca, J., Queffelec, P., Garello, K., Viala, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 09E313 (2010)

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A two-band model of spin-polarized transport in Fe/Cr/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions, Vedyaev, A., Ryzhanova, N., Strelkov, N., Chshiev, M., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 107, 09C720 (2010)

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A GHz spintronic-based RF oscillator, Villard, P., Ebels, U., Houssameddine, D., Katine, J., Mauri, D., Delaët, B., Vincent, P., Cyrille, M.-C., Viala, B., Michel, J.-P., Prouvée, J., Badets, F., 45, 214 (2010)

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Interface characterization of a [Pt/Co)]3/IrMn multilayer by laser-assisted tomographic atom probe, Zarefy, A., Lardé, R., Lechevallier, L., Cuvilly, F., Le Breton, J.-M., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322, 1293 (2010)

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Spintorque oscillator characteristics in coupled networks, Zarudniev, M., E. Colinet, P. Villard, U. Ebels, G. Scorletti, 20 (2010)

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Oscillateur à transfert de spin

Oscillateur à transfert de spin, Baraduc, C., de Mestier, N., Dieny, B., Thirion, C. (2010)

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Dispositif magnétique à écriture assistée thermiquement, Dieny, B. (2010)

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Dispositif magnétique et procédé de lecture et d’écriture dans un tel dispositif magnétique, Dieny, B. (2010)

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