Archives by author

Effect of structural relaxation and oxidation conditions on interlayer exchange coupling in Fe|MgO|Fe tunnel junctions, Yang, H.X., M. Chshiev, A.Kalitsov, A. Schuhl, W.H. Butler, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 262509 (2010)

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Spinodal decomposition to control magneto-transport in (Ge, Mn) films, Yu, I.S., Jamet, M., Devillers, T., Barski, A., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Beigné, C., Rothman, J., Baltz, V., Cibert, J., Physical Review B, 82, 035308 (2010)

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Influence of Co layer thickness on the structural and magnetic properties of (Pt/Co-tCo)(3)/Pt-tPt/IrMn multilayers, Zarefy, A., Lechevallier, L., Lardé, R., Chiron, H., Le Breton, J.-M., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 43, 215004 (2010)

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What a double piqué mon cher Nelson !, Baltz, V., 568 (2010)

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Un oscillateur bien balancé

Un oscillateur bien balancé, Baraduc, C., 567 (2010)

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Couple: Des calculs et de l’expérience, Dieny, B., 560 (2010)

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Développements applicatifs de l’électronique de spin, Dieny, B., 18, 6 (2010)

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Turn halfway and switch

Turn halfway and switch, Dieny, B., 10, 18 (2010)

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Moins de bruit, les oscillos !

Moins de bruit, les oscillos !, Ebels, U., 12 (2010)

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Spin coupling in domain walls

Spin coupling in domain walls, Gaudin, G., 10, 17 (2010)

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