Archives by author

Modélisation de la dynamique de l’aimantation par une approche éléments finis, Kritsikis, Evaggelos, Thesis (2011)

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Étude et extension de la gamme de température de fonctionnement des Mémoires Magnétiques à Accès Aléatoire Assistées Thermiquement (TAS-MRAM) Lombard, Lucien (2010)

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Mémoire magnétique à écriture par courant polarisé en spin assistée thermiquement Alvarez-Hérault, Jérémy (2010)

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Recording performances in perpendicular magnetic patterned media, Asbahi, M., Moritz, J., Dieny, B., Perret, C., Gourgon, C., van de Veerdonk, R.J.M., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 43, 385003 (2010)

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Influence of edges on the exchange bias properties of ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic nanodots, Baltz, V., G. Gaudin, P. Somani, B. Dieny, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 262505 (2010)

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Bimodal distribution of blocking temperature in exchange-biased ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers, Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Zarefy, A., Lechevallier, L., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 81, 052404 (2010)

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Comparison between synthetic antiferromagnets and hard ferromagnets as reference layer in magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Bandiera, S., Sousa, R.C., Dahmane, Y., Ducruet, C., Portemont, C., Baltz, V., Auffret, S., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., IEEE Magnetic Letters, 1, 3000204 (2010)

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Al, Benabderrahmane, R., Kanoun, M., Bruyant, N., Baraduc, C., Bsiesy, A., Achard, H., Solid-State Electronics, 54, 741 (2010)

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Analytical modelling of multilayered coplanar waveguides including ferromagnetic thin films on semiconductor substrates, Bénevent, E., Viala, B., Michel, J.-P., Ieee Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 58, 645 (2010)

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Non-adiabatic spin torques in narrow magnetic domain walls, Burrowes, C., Mihai, A.P., Ravelosona, D., Kim, J.V., Chappert, C., Vila, L., Marty, A., Samson, Y., Garcia Sanchez, F., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Tudosa, I., Fullerton, E.E., Attané, J.-P., Nature Physics, 6, 17 (2010)

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