Archives by author

Spin current vortices in current-perpendicular-to-plane nanoconstricted spin valves, Strelkov, N., Vedyaev, A., Ryzhanova, N., Gusakova, D., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Chshiev, M., Amara-Dababi, S., de Mestier, N., Baraduc, C., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 84, 024416 (2011)

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Ferromagnetism in hydrogenated graphene nanopore arrays, Tada, K., J. Haruyama, H.X. Yang, M. Chshiev, T. Matsui and H. Fukuyama, Physical Review Letters, 107, 217203 (2011)

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Graphene magnet realized by hydrogenated graphene nanopore arrays, Tada, K., Haruyama, J., Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Matsui, T., Fukuyama, H., Applied Physics Letters, 99, 183111 (2011)

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Nanoimprinted lithography high performance in-plane organic diodes, Thornton, M.J., Ketelaars, B., van den Heuve, E., Roosen, H., Smout, S., Iosad, N., Applied Physics Letters, 99, 173301 (2011)

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Direct observation of Oersted field-induced magnetization dynamics in magnetic nanostripes, Uhlí, Physical Review B, 83, 020406 (2011)

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Improved coherence of ultrafast spin transfer-driven precessional switching with synthetic antiferromagnet perpendicular polarizer, Vaysset, A., Papusoi, C., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Bandiera, S., Marins de Castro Souza, M., Dahmane, Y., Toussaint, J.-C., Ebels, U., Auffret, S., Sousa, R., Vila, L., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 98, 242511 (2011)

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Spin-polarized transport in structures with tunnel barriers, Vedyaev, A.V., Kotel’nikova, O.A., Lystzeva, L.Y., Ryzhanova, N.V., Strelkov, N.V., Chshiev, M., Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 168, 1225 (2011)

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Inducing and optimizing magnetism in graphene nanomeshes, Yang, H. X., Chshiev, M., Boukhvalov, D. W., Waintal, X., Roche, S., Physical Review B, 84, 214404 (2011)

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First-principles investigation of the very large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at Fe/MgO and Co/MgO interfaces, Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Dieny, B., Lee, J.H., Manchon, A., Shin, K.H., Physical Review B, 84, 054401 (2011)

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Twin peaks

Twin peaks, Baltz, V., 11, 23 (2011)

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