Archives by author

Influence of thermal fluctuations on the emission linewidth in MgO-based spin transfer oscillators, Sierra Garcia, J.F., Quinsat, M., Garcia Sanchez, F., Ebels, U., Joumard, I., Jenkins, A.S., Dieny, B., Cyrille, M.-C., Zeltser, A., Katine, J.A., Applied Physics Letters, 101, 062407 (2012)

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Graphene magnet realized by hydrogenated graphene nanopore arrays (Retraction of vol 99, 183111, 2011), Tada, K., Haruyama, J., Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Matsui, T., Fukuyama, H., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 099904 (2012)

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Spontaneous spin polarization and spin pumping effect on edges of graphene antidot lattices, Tada, K., Hashimoto, T., Haruyama, J., Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics, 249, 2491 (2012)

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Dynamics of Dzyaloshinskii domain walls in ultrathin magnetic films, Thiaville, A., Rohart, S., Jué, E., Cros, V., Fert, A., Europhysics Letters, 100, 6 (2012)

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Direct observation of mass-less domain wall dynamics in nanostripes with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, Vogel, J., Bonfim, M., Rougemaille, N., Boulle, O., Miron, I.M., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Gaudin, G., Cezar, J.C., Sirotti, F., Pizzini, S., Physical Review Letters, 108, 247202 (2012)

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Co/Ni multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy for spintronic device applications, You, L., Sousa, R.C., Bandiera, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 172411 (2012)

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Synchronization of a spin torque oscillator array by a radiofrequency current, Zarudniev, M., Colinet, E., Villard, P., Ebels, U., Quinsat, M., Scorletti, G., Mechatronics, 22, 552 (2012)

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Influence of an oxygen monolayer at the Fe/MgO interface on the transport properties in Fe/MgO/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions, Zermatten, P.-J., Bonell, F., Andrieu, S., Chshiev, M., Tiusan, C., Schuhl, A., Gaudin, G., Applied Physics Express, 5, 023001 (2012)

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Une boussole 3D intégrée

Une boussole 3D intégrée, Gaudin, G., 587, (2012)

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Nano spin doctors

Nano spin doctors, Joisten, H., 581, (2012)

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