Archives by author

Temperature stability of (Pt/Co)(3)/IrMn multilayers, Lechevallier, L., Zarefy, A., Letellier, F., Lardé, R., Blavette, D., Le Breton, J.-M., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 043904 (2012)

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Effects of sputter-deposition-induced and post-deposition thermally-activated intermixing on the exchange bias properties of [Pt/Co](x3)/(Pt)/IrMn films, Letellier, F., Baltz, V., Lechevallier, L., Lardé, R., Jacquot, J.-F., Rodmacq, B., Le Breton, J.-M., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 45, 275001 (2012)

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Spin-orbit coupling effect by minority interface resonance states in single-crystal magnetic tunnel junctions, Lu, Y., Yang, H.X., Tiusan, C., Hehn, M., Chshiev, M., Duluard, A., Kierren, B., Lengaigne, G., Lacour, D., Bellouard, C., Montaigne, F., Physical Review B, 86, 184420 (2012)

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Effect of pressure on the neutron spin resonance in the unconventional superconductor FeTe, Marty, K., A.D. Christianson, A.M. dos Santos, B. Sipos, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Uwatoko, J.A. Fernandez Baca, C.A. Tulk, T.A. Maier, B.C. Sales and M.D. Lumsden, Physical Review B, 86, 220509 (2012)

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Expansion and relaxation of magnetic mirror domains in a Pt/Co/Pt/Co/Pt multilayer with antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling, Metaxas, P.J., Stamps, R.L., Jamet, J.-P., Ferré, J., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 24, 024212 (2012)

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Large exchange bias field in (Pt/Co), Moritz, J., G. Vinai and B. Dieny, IEEE Magnetics Letters, 3, 4000204 (2012)

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Composition and morphology of self-organized Mn-rich nanocolumns embedded in Ge: Correlation with the magnetic properties, Mouton, I., Lardé, R., Talbot, E., Cadel, E., Genevois, C., Blavette, D., Baltz, V., Prestat, E., Bayle-Guillemaud, P., Barski, A., Jamet, M., Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 7 (2012)

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Giant spin Hall Effect induced by skew scattering from bismuth impurities inside thin film CuBi alloys, Niimi, Y., Y. Kawanishi, D.H. Wei, C. Deranlot, H.X. Yang, M. Chshiev, T. Valet, A. Fert and Y. Otani, Physical Review Letters, 109, 156602 (2012)

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Linewidth of higher harmonics in a non-isochronous auto-oscillator: Application to spin torque nano-oscillators, Quinsat, M., Tiberkevich, V., Gusakova, D., Slavin, A., Sierra Garcia, J.F., Ebels, U., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Dieny, B., Cyrille, M.-C., Zelster, A., Katine, J.A., Physical Review B, 86, 104418 (2012)

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Anisotropic bimodal distribution of blocking temperature with multiferroic BiFeO, Safeer, C.K., Chamfrault, M., Allibe, J., Carretero, C., Deranlot, C., Jacquet, E., Jacquot, J.-F., Bibes, M., Barthélémy, A., Dieny, B., Béa, H., Baltz, V., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 072402 (2012)

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