Archives by author

Etude de la dynamique des oscillateurs à vortex par synchronisation et modulation de fréquence, Martin, S. (2013)

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Thesis Giovanni VINAI (2013) Scalability and improvement of exchange bias properties for Thermally Assisted MRAM

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Etude de la fiabilité des jonctions tunnel magnétiques pour applications à forte densité de courant Amara, Selma (2012)

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Spin pumping and spin absorption in magnetic heterostructures Ghosh, Abhijit (2012)

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Conception innovante et développement d’outils de conception d’ASIC pour technologie hybride CMOS/Magnétique Di Pendina, Gregory (2012)

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First-principles study of spintronic phenomena in magnetic tunnel junctions and graphene Hongxin Yang (2012)

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Modelling of time-dependent dielectric barrier breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions, Amara-Dababi, S., Béa, H., Sousa, R.C., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 45, 295002 (2012)

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Magnetization switching of a MgO/Co/Pt layer by in-plane current injection, Avci, C.O., Garello, K., Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Auffret, S., Boulle, O., Gambardella, P., Applied Physics Letters, 100, 212404 (2012)

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Pd magnetism induced by indirect interlayer exchange coupling, Bailey, W. E., Ghosh, A., Auffret, S., Gautier, E., Ebels, U., Wilhelm, F., Rogalev, A., Physical Review B, 86, 144403 (2012)

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Enhancement of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy thanks to Pt insertions in synthetic antiferromagnets, Bandiera, S., Sousa, R.C., Auffret, S., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 101, 072410 (2012)

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