Archives by author

Breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions and correlation with low-frequency noise, Amara-Dababi, S., Sousa, R.C., Béa, H., Baraduc, C., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., 53, 1239 (2013)

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Non-volatile FPGAs based on spintronic devices, Gonçalves, O., Prenat, G., di Pendina, G., Dieny, B., , 126 (2013)

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Non-volatile runtime-reconfigurable FPGA secured through MRAM-based periodic refresh, Gonçalves, O., Prenat, G., di Pendina, G., Layer, C., Dieny, B., , 170 (2013)

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Radiation-hardened MRAM-based FPGA

Radiation-hardened MRAM-based FPGA, Gonçalves, O., Prenat, G., Dieny, B., IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 49, 4355 (2013)

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Compact model of a three-terminal MRAM device based on spin-orbit torque switching, Jabeur, K., Prenat, G., di Pendina, G., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., , (2013)

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Scability and logic functionalities of TA-MRAMs, Prejbeanu, I.L., Sousa, R.C., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Bandiera, S., Alvarez-Hérault, J., Stainer, Q., Lombard, L., Ducruet, C., Conraux, Y., Mackay, K., , 6573618 (2013)

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Magnetic logic functionalities and scalability of thermally-assisted MRAMs, Prejbeanu, I.L., Sousa, R.C., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Bandiera, S., Mackay, K., , 6577786 (2013)

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MRAM concepts for sub-nanosecond precessional switching and sub-20nm cell scaling, Sousa, R.C., Bandiera, S., Marins de Castro Souza, M., Lacoste, B., San Emeterio Alvarez, L., Nistor, L.E., Auffret, S., Ebels, U., Ducruet, C., Prejbeanu, I.L., Vila, L., Rodmacq, B., Dieny, B., , (2013)

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MRAM with soft reference layer: In-stack combination of memory and logic functions, Stainer, Q., Lombard, L., Mackay, K., Sousa, R.C., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., , 84 (2013)

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Electron-spin-based phenomena arising from pore edges of graphene nanomeshes, Tada, K., Kosugi, N., Sakuramoto, K., Hashimoto, T., Takeuchi, K., Yagi, Y., Haruyama, J., Yang, H.X., Chshiev, M., Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, 26, 1037 (2013)

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