Archives by author

Tunability versus deviation sensitivity in a non-linear vortex oscillator, Martin, S., Thirion, C., Hoarau, C., Baraduc, C., Dieny, B., Physical Review B, 88, 024421 (2013)

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Macrospin model of precessional spin transfer torque switching in planar magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular polarizer, Mejdoubi, A., Lacoste, B., Prenat, G., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 152413 (2013)

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Spatially periodic domain wall pinning potentials: Asymmetric pinning and dipolar biasing, Metaxas, P.J., Zermatten, P.-J., Novak, R.L., Rohart, S., Jamet, J.-P., Weil, R., Ferré, J., Mougin, A., Stamps, R.L., Gaudin, G., Baltz, V., Rodmacq, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 073906 (2013)

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Red-shift and blue-shift regimes in spin torque nano-oscillators based on synthetic antiferromagnetic layers, Monteblanco, E., Gusakova, D., Sierra Garcia, J.F., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Ebels, U., IEEE Magnetics Letters, 4, 3500204 (2013)

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Angular dependence and symmetry of Rashba spin torque in ferromagnetic heterostructures, Pauyac, C.O., Wang, X.H., Chshiev, M., Manchon, A., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 2403 (2013)

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Thermally assisted MRAMs: Ultimate scalability and logic functionalities, Prejbeanu, I.L., Bandiera, S., Alvarez-Hérault, J., Sousa, R.C., Dieny, B., Nozières, J.-P., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 070301 (2013)

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Spontaneous anomalous and spin Hall effects due to spin-orbit scattering of evanescent wave functions in magnetic tunnel junctions, Vedyaev, A., Ryzhanova, N., Strelkov, N., Dieny, B., Physical Review Letters, 110, 247204 (2013)

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Enhanced blocking temperature in (Pt/Co), Vinai, G., Moritz, J., Bandiera, S., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 322001 (2013)

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Magnetic properties of patterned arrays of exchange-biased IrMn/Co square dots, Vinai, G., Moritz, J., Gaudin, G., Vogel, J., Bonfim, M., Lançon, F., Prejbeanu, I.L., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 345308 (2013)

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Proximity effects induced in graphene by magnetic insulators: First-principles calculations on spin filtering and exchange-splitting gaps, Yang, H.X., Hallal, A., Terrade, D., Waintal, X., Roche, S., Chshiev, M., Physical Review Letters, 110, 046603 (2013)

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