Archives by author

Detection of microwave phase variation in nanometre-scale magnetic heterostructures, Bailey, W.E., Cheng, C., Knut, R., Karis, O., Auffret, S., Zohar, S., Keavney, D., Warnicke, P., Lee, J.S., Arena, D.A., Nature Communications, 4, 2025 (2013)

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Thermally-driven asymmetric responses of grains versus spin-glass-related distributions of blocking temperature in exchange-biased Co/IrMn bilayers, Baltz, V., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 062410 (2013)

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Effect of a Cu spacer between Co and Pt layers on the structural and magnetic properties of (Co/Cu/Pt), Bandiera, S., Sousa, R.C., Rodmacq, B., Lechevallier, L., Dieny, B., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 485003 (2013)

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Electric field control of domain wall nucleation and pinning in a metallic ferromagnet, Bernand-Mantel, A., Herrera Diez, L., Ranno, L., Pizzini, S., Vogel, J., Givord, D., Auffret, S., Boulle, O., Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 122406 (2013)

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Domain wall tilting in the presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in out-of-plane magnetized magnetic nanotracks, Boulle, O., Rohart, S., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Jué, E., Miron, I.M., Pizzini, S., Vogel, J., Gaudin, G., Thiaville, A., Physical Review Letters, 111, 217203 (2013)

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Magnetization reversal in sub-100nm magnetic tunnel junctions with ultrathin MgO barrier biased along the hard axis, Cascales, J.P., Herranz, D., Sambricio, J.L., Ebels, U., Katine, J.A., Aliev, F.G., Applied Physics Letters, 102, 092404 (2013)

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Influence of a Ta spacer on the magnetic and transport properties of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions, Cuchet, L., Rodmacq, B., Auffret, S., Sousa, R.C., Ducruet, C., Dieny, B., Applied Physics Letters, 103, 052402 (2013)

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Emerging non-volatile memories: Magnetic and resistive technologies, Dieny, B., Jagadish, C., Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46, 070301 (2013)

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Spin torque nano-oscillator based on a synthetic antiferromagnet free layer and a perpendicular-to-plane polarizer, Firastrau, I., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Dieny, B., Ebels, U., Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 113908 (2013)

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Anisotropic intrinsic spin relaxation in graphene due to flexural distortions, Fratini, S., Gosálbez Martínez, D., Merodio Cámara, P., Fernández Rossier, J., Physical Review B, 88, 115426 (2013)

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