Archives by author

InMRAM: Introductory course on Magnetic Random Access Memories for microelectronics students and engineers, Di Pendina, G., Prenat, G., Dieny, B., , 21 (2014)

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High performance spin-orbit torque (SOT) based on non-volatile standard cell for hybrid CMOS/magnetic ICs, Jabeur, K., di Pendina, G., Prenat, G., , 309 (2014)

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Spin-orbit torque (SOT) nanodevices for ultra energy-efficient and non-volatile applications, Jabeur, K., di Pendina, G., Prenat, G., , (2014)

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Field-current phase diagrams of in-plane STT-RAM cells with low effective magnetization storage layers, San Emeterio Alvarez, L., Lacoste, B., Rodmacq, B., Nistor, L.E., Pakala, M., Sousa, R.C., Dieny, B., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17C713 (2014)

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Nitrogen-vacancy-center imaging of bubble domains in a 6-Å film of cobalt with perpendicular magnetization, Tetienne, J.-P., Hingant, T., Rondin, L., Rohart, S., Thiaville, A., Jué, E., Gaudin, G., Roch, J.-F., Jacques, V., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17D501 (2014)

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Focused Kerr measurements on patterned arrays of exchange-biased square dots, Vinai, G., Moritz, J., Gaudin, G., Vogel, J., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., EPJ WEB of Conferences, 75, 05003 (2014)

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Magnetic random access memory cells with isolating liner, Beery, D., Reid, J., Shin, J., Nozières, J.-P., Joubert, O. (2014)

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MRAM STT multiports

MRAM STT multiports, Bernard-Granger, F., Javerliac, V. (2014)

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Porte C munie d’une sauvegarde non volatile, Di Pendina, G., Zianbetov, E., Beigné, E. (2014)

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Dispositif résistif pour circuit mémoire ou logique et procédé de fabrication d’un tel dispositif, Dieny, B., Prejbeanu I.L., Darnon, M., Navarro, G., Joubert, O. (2014)

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