Archives by author

Un livre auquel Spintec a contribué a reçu un prix de la Société de Magnétisme du Japon, Baraduc, C. (2014)

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Les MRAM se dévoilent à MINATEC cet été, Dieny, B., 29, (2014)

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Le couplage spin-orbite, du sang neuf pour les mémoires MRAM, Gaudin, G., 30, (2014)

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Détruire des cellules cancéreuses grâce au magnétisme, Leulmi, S., 29, (2014)

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Optimisation de l’épaisseur des électrodes magnétiques pour des jonctions tunnel à anisotropie perpendiculaire, Sousa, R.C. (2014)

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Mixing antiferromagnets to tune NiFe-[IrMn/FeMn] interfacial spin-glasses, grains thermal stability, and related exchange bias properties, Akmaldinov, K., Ducruet, C., Portemont, C., Joumard, I., Prejbeanu, I.L., Dieny, B., Baltz, V., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17B718 (2014)

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Breakdown mechanisms in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions and correlation with low frequency noise, Amara-Dababi, S., Sousa, R.C., Béa, H., Baraduc, C., Mackay, K., Dieny, B., , 6A.1.1 (2014)

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Current-induced domain wall dynamics in the presence of spin-orbit torques, Boulle, O., Buda-Prejbeanu, L.D., Jué, E., Miron, I.M., Gaudin, G., Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 17D502 (2014)

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Double barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with write/read mode select layer, Clement, P.-Y., Baraduc, C., Chshiev, M., Dieny, B., Vila, L., Ducruet, C. (2014)

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Hybrid CMOS/Magnetic Process Design Kit and SOT-based Non-volatile Standard Cell Architectures, Di Pendina, G., Jabeur, K., Prenat, G., Ieee,, 692-699 (2014)

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