Archives by author

A. Manchon, J. Železný, I. M. Miron, T. Jungwirth, J. Sinova, A. Thiaville, K. Garello, and P. Gambardella. Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 035004 (2019) Spin-orbit coupling in inversion-asymmetric magnetic crystals and structures has emerged as a powerful tool to generate complex magnetic textures, interconvert charge and spin under applied current, and control magnetization dynamics. Current-induced spin-orbit […]

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You find here the list of proposals for Master-2 internships to take place at Spintec during Spring 2020. In most cases, these internships are intended to be suitable for a longer-term PhD work. Interested Master-1 students are also encouraged to apply. You may download the full list of proposals, along with an introduction to the […]

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A GMR Heads oral history panel was held at the Computer History Museum, Mountain view, California, in May 2019. It celebrated the introduction of giant magnetoresistance (GMR) heads in hard disk drives in 1997, which has been a key is sustaining the growth rate of areal density in magnetic recording. The panel featured four colleagues […]

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Aurélien Masseboeuf joins SPINTEC

Aurélien Masseboeuf is a recognized expert in transmission electron microscopy techniques applied to magnetic microscopy. Following a PhD and post-doc period in Grenoble, he further developed his expertise and carrier during ten years as CNRS research scientist. He has been working in CEMES (Toulouse), one of the craddles of French electron microscopy. Aurélien joined Spintec […]

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MILF – An ANR project

MILF stands for Magnetic Imaging at Low dimensions & high Frequencies. It is a 36-month-long early-carrier ANR project. Magnetic events such as domain reversal, domain wall propagation and vortex oscillations are fast processes, broad source of spintronic applications. However, it remains extremely challenging to scrutinize the inner structure of such magnetic objects during their motion, […]

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Olivier Fruchart, Deputy Director of Spintec, has been elected Vice-President of the European Magnetism Association for a three-year mandate, alongside Burkard Hillebrands from Kaiserslautern, elected President. The purpose of the European Magnetism Association (EMA) is to promote the development of magnetism and magnetic materials in Europe, through rising the visibility and the impact of research […]

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NV-APROC – An ANR project

NV-APROC stands for Non Volatile MRAM-based Asynchronous PROCessor, a 42-month ANR project starting on October 2019, coordinated by Spintec. Micro and nano electronics integrated circuit domain has been strongly driven by the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT). The constraints become very strong, especially in terms of power consumption and autonomy. Therefore there is […]

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MISTRAL – An ANR project

MISTRAL stands for MRAM/CMOS Hybridization to Secure Cryptographic Algorithms, an 42-month ANR project starting on October 2019, coordinated by EMSE (Ecole des Mines de St Etienne in Gardanne). MISTRAL is addressing the security of the cryptography embedded in connected objects at its highest standards while keeping concern by the energy footprint. Consequently, MISTRAL aims at […]

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ADMIS – An ANR project

A very exciting field of research has recently been devoted to magnetic skyrmions: they are potential candidates to overcome the power consumption problems of the conventional microelectronic Von Neuman architectures where memory and logic functions are physically separated. Thanks to their small size, high mobility under current, they have been proposed to be used in […]

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Electronics of the future

The journal of the French Society for electricity, electronics and information technologies (Société de l’électricité, de l’électronique et des technologies de l’information et de la communication) dedicated a special issue to Electronics of the future (in French). Lucian Prejbeanu and Bernard Diény, from SPINTEC, authored an article on new concepts of ultrafast and highly scalable […]

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