Millimeter-scale layered MoSe2 grown on sapphire and evidence for negative magnetoresistance (April 14th, 2017)
We have fabricated large-scale two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide (2D TMD) MoSe2, a promising candidate for electronics, valley-spintronics and optoelectronics, on insulating sapphire and have investigated its structural and transport properties. We have shown that the layered MoSe2 exhibits characteristics of a stoichiometric 2H-phase, a van der Waals epitaxy regarding the substrate and we have evidenced […]
Read moreCreation of unidirectional spin-wave emitters by utilizing interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (April 13th, 2017)
We have created an analytical model of spin waves in microscopic spin-wave waveguides in the presence of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. By comparing to micromagnetic simulations, we have demonstrated that spatially periodic excitation sources can be used to create a uni-directional spin-wave-emission source whose properties can be predicted by our model. Since miniaturization of CMOS devices […]
Read moreHabilitation defense – Ricardo SOUSA – 2017/05/04 – 1:30 pm (April 13th, 2017)
Jeudi 04 Mai 2017 à 13H30, Amphithéâtre E108 de Phelma MINATEC, – 3 parvis Louis Néel, Grenoble Ricardo Sousa soutiendra son Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), intitulée : “Spintronics memory function: materials and device concepts” The presentation will highlight research I contributed to on magnetic random access memory (MRAM) since arriving at […]
Read moreMagneto-optical micromechanical systems for magnetic field mapping (February 17th, 2017)
Magnetic field mapping techniques have continuously been developed due to the necessity for determining the spatial components of local magnetic fields in many industrial applications and fundamental research. Several factors are considered for sensors such as spatial resolution, sensitivity, linear response, required proximity to the sample, as well as the ability to filter noise and […]
Read moreUnique event at IEDM 2016 – A poster session dedicated to MRAM (February 02nd, 2017)
With the rising interest of the microelectronics industry for STT-MRAM and spintronics in general, it is very important to strengthen the links between the IEEE Magnetics Society and the IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS). The purpose is to contribute reducing the cultural gap which still exists between magnetism and microelectronics communities and thereby ease the […]
Read more18 months post-doctoral position: Magnetically actuated metamaterials for biotechnology applications (January 30th, 2017)
The SPINTEC and SyMMES laboratories of INAC (CEA-Grenoble), offer an 18 months post-doctoral position on the development of magnetically actuated metamaterials prototypes for biotechnology applications. This work is part of the ABIOMATER European FET project, aiming at the creation of magnetically actuated soft metamaterials as a basis for micro-mechanical devices. Based on the results already […]
Read moreDefence Thesis – Ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic nanostructures for the electrical measurement of the spin Hall effect and the detection of domain walls (January 27th, 2017)
On Friday, the 12th Of May 2017 at 10h00, Van Tuong PHAM from UGA (DRF/INAC/SPINTEC), will defence his thesis “Ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic nanostructures for the electrical measurement of the spin Hall effect and the detection of domain walls” Place : Amphithéâtre du CNRS bâtiment A-3ème étage – 25 rue des Martyrs, Grenoble Spin−orbitronics is based on the […]
Read moreVisages de Sciences (January 19th, 2017)
Personnalités, parcours singuliers… Visages de sciences réunit des témoignages de scientifiques de la DRF qui confient en toute simplicité leur fierté professionnelle et leur regard sur les mystères de la recherche fondamentale. Consultez le livre numérique édité en janvier 2017 (Copyright CEA / DRF) : Flipbook Visage de Sciences
Read moreEvidence for spin-to-charge conversion by Rashba coupling in metallic states at the Fe/Ge(111) interface (January 09th, 2017)
We have demonstrated the spin-to-charge interconversion by Rashba coupling at the interface between two light materials: iron and germanium which is compatible with today’s CMOS technology. This result constitutes the first step towards the fabrication of a spin transistor based on the spin-orbit coupling. The spin-orbit coupling, relating the electron spin and momentum, has long […]
Read moreNanoviber – An ERA-NET project at SPINTEC (November 26th, 2016)
Overview NANOVIBER (EURONANOMED-II ERA-NET project) was accepted at the Fall 2016. Context: Despite the progress of chemo-radiotherapy, molecular and cellular therapies as well as neurosurgery, glioblastoma remains a deadliness disease. Beside drugs, radiotherapy and surgery, “physical” therapies are synergistic opportunities to solve this major biomedical bottleneck. Paramagnetic particles have been extensively used in association with magnetic […]
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