[Filled] Senior research scientist in spintronic devices (May 02nd, 2019)
In view of a forthcoming opening of a CEA researcher position at SPINTEC, in order to reinforce the spintronic devices group (memories, sensors, RF oscillators, magnetic logic) of the lab, we are seeking a high-level senior scientist who is willing to contribute to existing activities as well as to open new device directions in this […]
Read moreSignificant Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction at graphene-ferromagnet interfaces due to the Rashba effect (October 17th, 2018)
Despite being a weak spin–orbit coupling material, graphene demonstrated to induce significant Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction due to the Rashba effect leading to formation of chiral spin textures in adjacent ferromagnet (FM) at graphene/FM interfaces. First-principles calculations and experiments using spin-polarized electron microscopy show that this graphene-induced Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction can have a similar magnitude to that at […]
Read moreFEOrgSpin – An ANR Project (October 01st, 2018)
Overview FEOrgSpin project has been accepted in the framework of AAPG ANR 2018 call. This collaborative research project aims to expand current knowledge on ferroelectric control of spin polarization at different spinterfaces comprising ferromagnets (FM) and ferroelectric (FE) organic materials in order to develop novel functionalities of organic spintronics devices. The main objectives of the […]
Read moreSpin Hall and Spin Swapping Torques in Diffusive Ferromagnets (May 30th, 2018)
A complete set of the generalized drift-diffusion equations for a coupled charge and spin dynamics in ferromagnets in the presence of extrinsic spin-orbit coupling is derived from the quantum kinetic approach, covering major transport phenomena, such as the spin and anomalous Hall effects, spin swapping, spin precession, and relaxation processes. It is argued that the […]
Read moreEuropean School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnolgies (ESONN’2018) (May 09th, 2018)
The 2018 session of the European School On Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (ESONN) takes place from August 26 to September 15 in Grenoble. Applications are open until May 18, 2018. Since 2004, ESONN has been a three-week course aiming at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from universities and laboratories, all around the […]
Read moreSeminar: Spin Nernst effect and pumping of spin current in a collinear antiferromagnet (July 03rd, 2017)
Dr. Alexey A. Kovalev from University of Nebraska in Lincoln (USA) will visit Spintec and give the seminar on July 10 at 14:00 entitled “Magnon-mediated spin Nernst effect and pumping of spin current in a collinear antiferromagnet” Date: Monday July 10 at 14:00 Place: CEA/Spintec, Bat. 1005, room 434 Abstract: We predict that a temperature […]
Read moreNew research Engineer Dr. Miguel RUBIO ROY joins Spintec (May 01st, 2017)
Miguel Rubio Roy joined Spintec on April 17, 2017 as a Materials Research Engineer (in the framework of CNRS NOEMI campaign). Curriculum Vitae Miguel defended his Ph.D. at the University of Barcelona, devoted to surface properties of amorphous carbon layers, development and implementation of a thin film sputtering reactor. He then gained his postdoctoral experience […]
Read moreMagNet – An EIT Project at SPINTEC (March 03rd, 2017)
Overview A new innovation project has been accepted in January 2017 by the Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology). SPINTEC is one of the partners of this consortium through the CEA. The Magnetometry Network (MagNet) aims to bring together complementary European […]
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