We report very large spin transfer torque driven domain wall velocities, approaching 3000 m/s, in rare-earth free ferrimagnetic Mn4-xNixN thin films close to the angular momentum compensation point. We also observe a reversal of the domain wall motion direction after the angular momentum compensation point. The interest towards ferrimagnets has recently grown because of their […]
Read moreReview – Roadmap of spin-orbit torques (June 01st, 2021)
Q. Shao, P. Li, L. Liu, H. Yang, S. Fukami, A. Razavi, H. Wu, K. Wang, F. Freimuth, Y. Mokrousov, M. D. Stiles, S. Emori, A. Hoffmann, J. Åkerman, K. Roy, J.-P. Wang, S.-H. Yang, K. Garello, W. Zhang, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2021.3078583. Spin-orbit torque (SOT) is an emerging technology that enables the […]
Read moreSustainability analysis of perpendicular anisotropy magnetic memory and platinum substitution (May 11th, 2021)
Perpendicular anisotropy Magnetic Random Access Memory (MRAM) can contribute reduced power consumption in electronic circuits. These spintronic devices also rely on materials like Co, Pt and Ru, having associated supply risk or environmental impact. A sustainability analysis of these devices shows, that the impact of the wafer substrate is much larger than that of the […]
Read moreAtomistic spin simulations have been carried out to study the probability of all-optical switching of [Tb/Co] multilayered thin films. Playing with the composition of the sample, the material parameters and the fluence of the laser pulse we have shown the possibility to get single-shot all-optical switching. Since the first experimental observation of all-optical switching phenomena, […]
Read moreGiant Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Enhancement in MgO-Based Magnetic Tunnel Junction by Using Co/Fe Composite Layer (April 26th, 2021)
Magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotropy form the basis of the spin-transfer torque magnetic random-access memory (STT-MRAM), which is nonvolatile, fast, dense, and has quasi-infinite write endurance and low power consumption. Here, an alternative design of tunnel junctions comprising FeCoFe|MgO storage layers with greatly enhanced perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) is proposed, leveraging the interfacial PMA […]
Read moreSynthesis of epitaxial monolayer Janus SPtSe (April 22nd, 2021)
Two-dimensional materials like graphene or transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) have attracted a lot of attention during the last decade for their original electronic properties intimately related to their 2D character and symmetries. At Spintec, the “2D spintronics” team develops the molecular beam epitaxy of TMDs for spintronics and has recently succeeded in growing a new […]
Read moreControlling magnetism with voltage is shown to be more efficient using nitrogen magneto-ionics (February 12th, 2021)
Voltage-driven ionic transport in magnetic materials has traditionally relied on controlled migration of oxygen ions. In this work, led by researchers at UAB (Barcelona) in collaboration with colleagues at Georgetown Univ. (D.C.), IMN-CNM-CSIC (Madrid), Spintec (Grenoble), HZDR (Dresden), ICN2 and IMB-CNM-CSIC (Barcelona), room-temperature voltage-driven nitrogen transport is demonstrated using electrolyte-gating of a CoN film. The […]
Read moreSpin-information transported over long-distances at room temperature in the ultra-low damping hematite antiferromagnet (February 09th, 2021)
A consortium led by physicists at JGU Mainz, in collaboration with CNRS/Thales Palaiseau, SPINTEC and LNCMI Grenoble, and NTNU Trondheim, demonstrated that transporting spin-information at room temperature and over long distances is within reach. They established and took advantage of two remarkable features of the insulating hematite antiferromagnet. Firstly, it can carry spin-information via current-induced […]
Read morePhD defense – Memristive magnetic memory for spintronic synapses (December 07th, 2020)
On Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 13H30, Marco Mansueto will defend his PhD entitled: Memristive magnetic memory for spintronic synapses Video conference: https://grenoble-inp.zoom.us/j/96102161721 [Meeting ID : 961 0216 1721; Passcode : MM] Abstract : In the context of a technological era in which the amount of data is exponentially increasing, the development of brain-inspired softwares […]
Read moreSOFT – ERC Proof of Concept grant (November 24th, 2020)
Non-volatility is the main physical feature that fast memories, such as SRAM, are still lacking. Such memories could increase computing performance while reducing significantly the power consumption. The only viable option for sub-ns nonvolatile memory is the Spin-Orbit Torque Magnetic Random Access Memory (SOT-MRAM). The main roadblock towards the integration of the SOT-MRAM is that […]
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