PEPR SPIN – Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (July 29th, 2022)
France is investing more than 38M€ in Spintronics thanks to the PEPR-SPIN exploratory program! SPIN is among the 13 new exploratory programs winners of the second wave of calls for projects Priority Programs and Equipment for Exploratory Research (PEPR). Funded by France 2030, this action (€1 billion) aims to launch research programs in emerging scientific […]
Read moreSeminar – Spins, Bits, and Flips: Essentials for High-Density Magnetic Random-Access Memory (June 20th, 2022)
On Thursday, July 7 at 14:00 we have the pleasure to welcome Dr. Tiffany SANTOS from Western Digital Corporation, CA, USA. She is 2022 IEEE Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturer and will give us a seminar entitled : Spins, Bits, and Flips: Essentials for High-Density Magnetic Random-Access Memory Place: SPINTEC, CEA/IRIG, Bat. 10.05, Room 445 Zoom […]
Read moreReview – The Magnetic Genome of Two-Dimensional van der Waals Materials (June 13th, 2022)
Q. H. Wang✉, A. Bedoya-Pinto, M. Blei, A. H. Dismukes, A. Hamo, S. Jenkins, M. Koperski, Y. Liu, Q.-Ch. Sun, E. J. Telford, H. H. Kim, M. Augustin, U. Vool, J.-X. Yin, L. H. Li, A. Falin, C. R. Dean, F. Casanova, R. F. L. Evans, M. Chshiev, A. Mishchenko, C. Petrovic, R. He, L. […]
Read moreReview – Oxide spin-orbitronics: spin-charge interconversion and topological spin textures (April 26th, 2022)
F. Trier, P. Noël, J.-V. Kim, J.-Ph. Attané, L. Vila & M. Bibes✉, Nature Reviews Materials 7, 258 (2022). In this Review, the recent advances in the new field of oxide spin-orbitronics including the control of spin–orbit-driven effects by ferroelectricity are surveyed, and the future perspectives for the field are discussed. Oxide materials possess […]
Read moreVan der Waals (vdW) layered magnets are promising materials to develop ultracompact and multifunctional spintronics devices. However, most of them are magnetic only at low temperature and are almost exclusively studied in the form of small flakes obtained by mechanical exfoliation. Here, we demonstrate the direct growth by molecular beam epitaxy of Fe5GeTe2, a room […]
Read morePlaidoyer pour la spintronique (January 28th, 2022)
Les Échos publie la tribune de Victoire de Margerie, fondatrice et vice-présidente du World Materials Forum, portant sur la spintronique et la nécessité d’industrialiser cette technologie de rupture pour gérer l’accroissement de données en limitant les dommages sur la planète. Technologie basée sur la rotation d’une particule sans consommation d’énergie, la spintronique pourrait “remplacer les […]
Read moreRoom-temperature ferroelectric switching of spin-to-charge conversion in GeTe (November 30th, 2021)
The broken inversion symmetry of some semiconductors may allow for spin–charge interconversion, but its control by electric fields is volatile. This has led to interest in ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors, which combine semiconductivity, large spin–orbit coupling and non-volatility. Here we report room-temperature, non-volatile ferroelectric control of spin-to-charge conversion in epitaxial germanium telluride films. Spintronics could potentially […]
Read moreDzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction and Skyrmion States at 2D Materials/Co Interfaces (November 25th, 2021)
Significant Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMI) and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) at interfaces comprising hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and cobalt (Co) remaining stable over a large range of Co film thickness are reported. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that that such significant DMI and PMA give rise to the formation of skyrmions with small applied external fields. Interfacial […]
Read moreSMART DESIGN – ERC Starting Grant (October 29th, 2021)
The rapid development of information technology (IT) has had profound consequences on most aspects of our civilization. However, the energy consumption associated to IT continues to rise at an accelerated pace. In this context the microelectronics industry faces major challenges related to power dissipation and energy consumption. A promising solution is the integration of non-volatile […]
Read moreIntroductory Course on Magnetic Random Access Memory (InMRAM 2021) (October 08th, 2021)
This introductory course aims at helping students, researchers and engineers having little or no background in magnetism to better understand the physics and working principles of this new class of magnetic memory called MRAMs (Magnetic Random Access Memory) based on magnetic tunnel junctions. MRAM and particularly the STT-MRAM (Spin-Transfer-Torque RAM) are attracting an increasing interest […]
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