Detection of Heating and Photocurrent attacks using Hybrid CMOS/STT-MRAM (March 26th, 2020)
Integrated Circuits (ICs) have to be protected against threatening environmental radiations and malicious perturbations. A large panel of countermeasures have been developed to answer the needs of this challenging field. This work proposes an innovative sensor to detect both photoelectrical injections and thermal perturbations aiming a circuit. This architecture is designated by “Dual Detection of […]
Read morePost-doctoral position – Current induced dynamics of the magnetic skyrmions (March 26th, 2020)
Spintec invites application for postdoctoral positions in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are nm scale topological spin texture that hold great promise for storing and manipulating the information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in ultrathin nanostructures [1] and their manipulation using gate electric field[2,3], electric current [4] […]
Read moreObservation of Large Unidirectional Rashba Magnetoresistance in Ge(111) (March 10th, 2020)
Relating magnetotransport properties to specific spin textures at surfaces or interfaces is an intense field of research nowadays. Here, we investigate the variation of the electrical resistance of Ge(111) under the application of an external magnetic field. We find a magnetoresistance term that is linear in current density j and magnetic field B, reaching 0.5 […]
Read moreExperimental evidence of the valley Nernst effect in WSe2 (March 06th, 2020)
The Hall effect can be extended by inducing a temperature gradient in lieu of electric field that is known as the Nernst effect. After the discovery of the spin Nernst effect, the collection would not be complete without mentioning the valley degree of freedom benchmarked by the observation of the valley Hall effect in transition […]
Read moreMultiferroic Proximity Effect in Graphene (March 03rd, 2020)
A possibility of controlling electronic and magnetic properties of graphene via proximity of multiferroic substrate is demonstrated. Coupling graphene to a multiferroic oxide (bismuth ferrite) give rise to novel class of spin-dependent transport phenomena based on multiferroic-induced proximity effects in graphene. Based on these findings, a concept of multi-resistive device in lateral geometry is proposed. […]
Read moreSelf-induced spin-charge conversion in ferromagnetic thin films (February 28th, 2020)
The generation of a spin current and its further conversion to a charge current have attracted considerable attention, facilitating advances in basic physics along with the emergence of closely related applications in the field of spintronics. In this study, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrated the self-induced inverse spin Hall effect for spin-charge conversion, triggered by […]
Read more[POSITION FILLED] PhD topic – Exploring THz spintronics through spin dynamics in antiferromagnets (February 04th, 2020)
The SPINTEC laboratory in Grenoble, France, is seeking a PhD candidate for a joint application to a specific PhD studentship program. The joint application is to be submitted by March 2020 for a studentship available for admission in October 2020, for 3 years. Excellent academic record is mandatory. Applicants should have a Master’s degree in […]
Read morePost-doc in spintronics on the modeling of magnetic skyrmions (December 16th, 2019)
Contract Period : 24 months Expected date of employment : 1 March 2020 Mission: Spintec is calling for applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are topological spin textures that are promising for storing and manipulating information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in […]
Read moreLarge Current-Driven Domain Wall Mobility by pure spin transfer torque in Ferrimagnetic Mn4N Thin Films (December 11th, 2019)
We found that Mn4N, a rare-earth free ferrimagnet made of abundant elements, is an exciting candidate for the development of sustainable spintronics devices. This material possess exciting properties, and in particular domain walls can be moved at record speeds by spin-polarized currents, in absence of any external magnetic field. This is explained by the large […]
Read moreTopology and Œrsted field prevent Walker breakdown in cylindrical nanowires (December 06th, 2019)
Domain-wall motion in one-dimensional conduits is both a textbook case for magnetization dynamics and the understanding of spin torques, and of practical importance for the design of novel spintronic ICT devices. However, instabilities known as Walker breakdown limit the speed in most cases. We have shown experimentally and confirmed by simulation, that these instabilities are […]
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