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The SPINTEC laboratory in Grenoble, France, is seeking a PhD candidate for a joint application to a specific PhD studentship program. The joint application is to be submitted by March 2020 for a studentship available for admission in October 2020, for 3 years. Excellent academic record is mandatory. Applicants should have a Master’s degree in […]

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Contract Period : 24 months Expected date of employment : 1 March 2020 Mission: Spintec is calling for applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are topological spin textures that are promising for storing and manipulating information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in […]

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We found that Mn4N, a rare-earth free ferrimagnet made of abundant elements, is an exciting candidate for the development of sustainable spintronics devices. This material possess exciting properties, and in particular domain walls can be moved at record speeds by spin-polarized currents, in absence of any external magnetic field. This is explained by the large […]

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Domain-wall motion in one-dimensional conduits is both a textbook case for magnetization dynamics and the understanding of spin torques, and of practical importance for the design of novel spintronic ICT devices. However, instabilities known as Walker breakdown limit the speed in most cases. We have shown experimentally and confirmed by simulation, that these instabilities are […]

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We propose an original concept of spintronic memristor based on the angular variation of the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) of a nanopillar comprising several magnetic layers. We have experimentally developed the appropriate magnetic free layer and integrated it in a full nanosized magnetic tunnel junction pillar. In parallel, we developed a model describing the magnetization dynamics […]

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CDD Technique/Administratif

Gestionnaire financier(e) pour assister le coordinateur du projet DARPA (H/F) Durée: 12 mois Date d’embauche prévue : 1 mars 2020 Contexte de travail: Le CNRS recrute un/une gestionnaire financier(ère) pour aider le coordinateur d’un projet collaboratif financé par l’agence états-unienne de financement DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Ce projet dans le domaine de la […]

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On Monday 9th of Decembre at 13h30 Mounia KHARBOUCHE-HARRARI, will defend her thesis, jointly carried out by IM2NP, CEA-Tech and SPINTEC, entitled : « Hybridation CMOS/STT-MRAM des circuits intégrés pour la sécurité matérielle de l’Internet des Objets » Place : amphithéâtre HS02 au sein du Campus Georges Charpak Provence, 880 route de Mimet, 13541 Gardanne […]

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Numerous studies investigated the use of synthetic membranes for photonic or biomedical applications. We report here on a recent type of biocompatible magnetically actuated membranes, partly originating from studies on magnetic particles for biology, consisting of PDMS/Au bilayers with embedded arrays of micrometric magnetic pillars. Flat at zero field, concave in an applied magnetic field, […]

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Domain wall propagation in modulated-diameter cylindrical nanowires is a key phenomenon to be studied with a view to designing three-dimensional magnetic memory devices. In this framework, we quantified theoretically the driving force needed for a domain wall to overcome the potential barrier related to modulated diameter geometry in order to jump from one stable position […]

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Post-doctoral position available at IRIG/Spintec (12 months with possible extension) Nanostructures of 2D Materials for quantum optics and spintronics (NanoDRUM project) Recently, there has been tremendous interest in layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). It started with the discovery that the canonical TMDC MoS2 becomes a direct bandgap semiconductor when isolated in monolayer (ML) form [Splendiani […]

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