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We present experimental evidence for coherent long-distance transport of angular momentum inside a non-magnetic dielectric via the coupling to circularly polarized sound waves that exceeds previous benchmarks set by magnon diffusion by orders of magnitude. The vision of spintronics is to use the spin of an electron rather than its charge to allow computers and […]

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This work reports the development of perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions incorporating a stack of Tb/Co nanolayers whose magnetization can be all-optically controlled via helicity-independent single-shot switching. Toggling of the magnetization of the Tb/Co electrode was achieved using either 60 femtosecond-long or 5 picosecond-long laser pulses, with incident fluences down to 3.5 mJ/cm2. Ever since the […]

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MRAM is a type of nonvolatile memory that stores the binary information through the magnetic configuration of its main building block: the Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ). In the last decade, the use of perpendicular anisotropy existing at the tunnel barrier interface, allowed to improve MRAM manufacturability. However, the thermal sensitivity of the interfacial anisotropy is […]

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Spin accumulation phenomena frequently occur in spintronic devices due to the difference of electrical resistivities of spin-up and spin-down electrons in magnetic materials. They are balanced by spin relaxation phenomena. These phenomena take place in a diffusive regime which involves numerous individual scattering events. Consequently, although the time scale of elastic electron scattering in metals […]

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Integrated Circuits (ICs) have to be protected against threatening environmental radiations and malicious perturbations. A large panel of countermeasures have been developed to answer the needs of this challenging field. This work proposes an innovative sensor to detect both photoelectrical injections and thermal perturbations aiming a circuit. This architecture is designated by “Dual Detection of […]

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Spintec invites application for postdoctoral positions in spintronics on magnetic skyrmions. Magnetic skyrmions are nm scale topological spin texture that hold great promise for storing and manipulating the information at the nanoscale. Spintec has recently demonstrated magnetic skyrmions at room temperature in ultrathin nanostructures [1] and their manipulation using gate electric field[2,3], electric current [4] […]

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Relating magnetotransport properties to specific spin textures at surfaces or interfaces is an intense field of research nowadays. Here, we investigate the variation of the electrical resistance of Ge(111) under the application of an external magnetic field. We find a magnetoresistance term that is linear in current density j and magnetic field B, reaching 0.5 […]

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The Hall effect can be extended by inducing a temperature gradient in lieu of electric field that is known as the Nernst effect. After the discovery of the spin Nernst effect, the collection would not be complete without mentioning the valley degree of freedom benchmarked by the observation of the valley Hall effect in transition […]

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A possibility of controlling electronic and magnetic properties of graphene via proximity of multiferroic substrate is demonstrated. Coupling graphene to a multiferroic oxide (bismuth ferrite) give rise to novel class of spin-dependent transport phenomena based on multiferroic-induced proximity effects in graphene. Based on these findings, a concept of multi-resistive device in lateral geometry is proposed. […]

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The generation of a spin current and its further conversion to a charge current have attracted considerable attention, facilitating advances in basic physics along with the emergence of closely related applications in the field of spintronics. In this study, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrated the self-induced inverse spin Hall effect for spin-charge conversion, triggered by […]

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