Archives by author

On Wednesday, May 11th at 10:30 Emilie Jué from Univ. of Colorado Boulder and NIST will give us a seminar entitled: Magnetic Josephson Junctions for artificial synapses Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) skype link : if this link does not work see below (*) Abstract: […]

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On Thursday, November 25th at 14:00 Christiana Varnava, Senior editor at Nature will give a seminar entitled : Scientific writing & publishing Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) Content: – What researchers and editors look for in a great paper – Characteristics of good primary research papers […]

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On Monday, November 22th at 13:30 Dr. Ilie-Elian RADU from Free University Berlin(*) will give us a seminar entitled: Light-driven Ultrafast Magnetic Phenomena: Towards Petahertz Spintronics Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) skype link if this link does not work see below (*) Abstract: Controlling order […]

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On Tuesday, November 16th at 13:30 Richard Schlitz from Magnetism and Interface Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland will give us a seminar entitled: Topological transverse transport effects and non-local magnon spin transport Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to persons having a CEA Badge) skype link : if this link does not work […]

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On Thursday, October 14th at 10:30, Odilia COI will defend her PhD thesis entitled: Effects of space environment radiation on spintronic memories Place : Salle de Séminaire au LIRMM, Bat. 4 Campus Saint Priest, 161 rue Ada 34095 Montpellier Online : Abstract: Since the time of the most ancient civilizations, space has always been an […]

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On Thursday, October 7th at 15:30 YoshiChika Otani (*), from University of Tokyo will give us a seminar entitled: Functional topological antiferromagnet Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to 30 persons having a CEA Badge) skype link if this link does not work see below (**) Abstract: Chiral antiferromagnets Mn3X (X=Sn and […]

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On Friday, September 17th at 11:00,  Eva Schmoranzerova, research scientist at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague will give us a seminar entitled: Magneto-thermo-transport phenomena in antiferromagnets with non-collinear spin structure Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 (limited to 30 persons having a CEA Badge) skype link if this link does […]

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On Tuesday, September 21th at 14:00, Aoyu TAN will defend his co-tutelle PhD thesis (UGA/TU Dresden) co-supervised by Romain Giraud and Bernd Büchner entitled: Magneto-transport properties of antiferromagnetic topological insulators MnBi2Te4 and MnBi4Te7 Place : CEA Bat. 10.05 Room 445 skype link if this link does not work see below (**) Abstract: The coupling […]

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On Monday, July 12th at 9:30, Valentin Labracherie will defend his PhD thesis entitled: Electrical transport in nanostructures of the Weyl semimetal WTe2 Place : IFW Dresden Zoom Meeting : Abstract: Recently, Weyl semimetals have shown some great potential for applications in spintronics. Indeed, spin-chiral Weyl nodes are perfect sources or sinks of the […]

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On Friday, July 02th at 14h00, Michael Schöbitz will defend his PhD thesis entitled: Current-induced magnetic Bloch-point domain wall dynamics in cylindrical nanowires Place: Room 445 – Building 1005 MINATEC (limited) Zoom Meeting : Meeting ID: 934 8422 4317 Passcode: 928971 Abstract: Cylindrical magnetic nanowires provide a perfect platform to study the dynamics of […]

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